主题 : [10.20] Google Chrome 62.0.3202.62 正式版发布
级别: 七朵秋菊
UID: 229028
精华: 0
发帖: 9855
威望: 26176 点
无痕币: 47589 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 1081(时)
注册时间: 2014-04-05
最后登录: 2024-05-28

0 [10.20] Google Chrome 62.0.3202.62 正式版发布

2017年10月18日 稿源:N软网
  谷歌浏览器Chrome Stable稳定版迎来v62正式版首版发布,详细版本号为v62.0.3202.62,上一个正式版v61.0.3163.100发布于9月22日,时隔26天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级惯例更新了35项安全修复及稳定性改进。
  [$7500+$1337][762930] High CVE-2017-5124: UXSS with MHTML. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-09-07
  [$5000][749147] High CVE-2017-5125: Heap overflow in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-07-26
  [$3000][760455] High CVE-2017-5126: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Luật Nguyễn (@l4wio) of KeenLab, Tencent on 2017-08-30
  [$3000][765384] High CVE-2017-5127: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Luật Nguyễn (@l4wio) of KeenLab, Tencent on 2017-09-14
  [$3000][765469] High CVE-2017-5128: Heap overflow in WebGL. Reported by Omair on 2017-09-14
  [$3000][765495] High CVE-2017-5129: Use after free in WebAudio. Reported by Omair on 2017-09-15
  [$3000][718858] High CVE-2017-5132: Incorrect stack manipulation in WebAssembly. Reported by Gaurav Dewan (@007gauravdewan) of Adobe Systems India Pvt. Ltd. on 2017-05-05
  [$N/A][722079] High CVE-2017-5130: Heap overflow in libxml2. Reported by Pranjal Jumde (@pjumde) on 2017-05-14
  [$5000][744109] Medium CVE-2017-5131: Out of bounds write in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-07-16
  [$2000][762106] Medium CVE-2017-5133: Out of bounds write in Skia. Reported by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos on 2017-09-05
  [$1000][752003] Medium CVE-2017-15386: UI spoofing in Blink. Reported by WenXu Wu of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-08-03
  [$1000][756040] Medium CVE-2017-15387: Content security bypass. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2017-08-16
  [$1000][756563] Medium CVE-2017-15388: Out of bounds read in Skia. Reported by Kushal Arvind Shah of Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs on 2017-08-17
  [$500][739621] Medium CVE-2017-15389: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by xisigr of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-07-06
  [$500][750239] Medium CVE-2017-15390: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by Haosheng Wang (@gnehsoah) on 2017-07-28
  [$500][598265] Low CVE-2017-15391: Extension limitation bypass in Extensions. Reported by João Lucas Melo Brasio (whitehathackers.com.br) on 2016-03-28
  [$N/A][714401] Low CVE-2017-15392: Incorrect registry key handling in PlatformIntegration. Reported by Xiaoyin Liu (@general_nfs) on 2017-04-22
  [$N/A][732751] Low CVE-2017-15393: Referrer leak in Devtools. Reported by Svyat Mitin on 2017-06-13
  [$N/A][745580] Low CVE-2017-15394: URL spoofing in extensions UI. Reported by Sam @sudosammy on 2017-07-18
  [$N/A][759457] Low CVE-2017-15395: Null pointer dereference in ImageCapture. Reported by johberlvi@ on 2017-08-28
  [775550] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
  Google Chrome 稳定版 官方本地下载地址:
  Google Chrome v62.0.3202.62 无更新功能版 32位
  Google Chrome v62.0.3202.62 无更新功能版 64位
  Google Chrome 官方 带更新/无更新功能版 网盘:
级别: 八片秋叶

UID: 21112
精华: 0
发帖: 17576
威望: 53404 点
无痕币: 4048 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 2390(时)
注册时间: 2008-06-24
最后登录: 2024-04-06

级别: 九滴秋露
UID: 2840
精华: 0
发帖: 32712
威望: 121596 点
无痕币: 123293 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 27244(时)
注册时间: 2007-12-04
最后登录: 2024-05-17

级别: 十方秋水

UID: 1397
精华: 0
发帖: 110790
威望: 155524 点
无痕币: 1436 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 66112(时)
注册时间: 2007-11-27
最后登录: 2024-05-27

千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605080
威望: 530158 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62876(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-06-02

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