主题 : 专为windows 7 制作的杀毒软件Kaspersky
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0 专为windows 7 制作的杀毒软件Kaspersky

Kaspersky Lab releases technical preview of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows 7

【原文】: Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content management systems, announces the release of a technical prototype of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows 7.Windows 7 is the next release of the Microsoft Windows operating system which will replace Windows Vista and is a step forward in the development of Microsoft operating systems. The new OS will incorporate enhanced reliability, greater efficiency, an improved inte***ce and extended working features both in global and local information networks. The technical preview is a complex solution for securing computers running under Windows 7. The prototype includes not only an antivirus component but an effective and fully functional firewall and anti-spam filter. At the heart of the new technical prototype is Kaspersky Lab’s new antivirus engine which is even more effective at detecting malicious programs than its predecessor. The new engine dramatically increases system scanning speed thanks to improved processing of objects and optimized use of system resources, particularly on dual- and quad-core processor platforms. The unique product architecture ensures high productivity and one of the lowest uses of system resources in the industry. The technical preview includes a highly effective heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analyzer detects and blocks as yet unknown malicious programs. If a program signature is not included in the antivirus databases, i.e., the malicious program is unknown, the heuristic analyzer will safely launch the program in an isolated virtual environment, analyze the program’s actions and conclude with a high degree of probability whether it is potentially harmful before it is launched in a live environment. In addition, the technical prototype includes a new user inte***ce developed to meet the needs of both inexperienced and advanced users


目前是Beta版,安装后可以在线激活,可用到2009年4月9日。反正windows 7 也是beta版,beta版的杀软也可以试试的
用心去感受,必要时,闭上眼睛*** 静守~期待~爆发~灿烂~永恒 ...
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