主题 : BitDefender Internet Security 2009 Build Final 简体中文版+注册&破解
级别: 二分秋色
UID: 79181
精华: 0
发帖: 100
威望: 233 点
无痕币: 822 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 13(时)
注册时间: 2009-03-19
最后登录: 2009-08-22

0 BitDefender Internet Security 2009 Build Final 简体中文版+注册&破解

BitDefender是来自罗马尼亚的老牌杀毒软件,BitDefender Internet Security包含反病毒系统、网络防火墙、反垃圾邮件、反间谍软件、家长控制中心5个安全模块,提供你所需的所有计算机安全防护,保护你免受各种已知和未知病毒、黑客、垃圾邮件、间谍软件、恶意网页以及其它internet威胁,支持在线更新,全面保护家庭上网安全。

BitDefender Internet Security 2009 keeps your Internet-connected family safe, without slowing down their PCs. It locks out viruses, hackers & spam, while providing parental control and firewall protection.

Confidently download, share and open files from friends, family, co-workers - and even total strangers!
Improved: Scans all web, e-mail and instant messaging traffic for viruses and spyware, in real-time
Proactively protects against new virus outbreaks using advanced heuristics

Protect your identity: shop, bank, listen, watch privately and securely
Blocks attempted identity theft (phishing)
Improved: Prevents personal information from leaking via e-mail, web or instant messaging

Guard your conversations with top-of-the line encryption
NEWInstant Messaging Encryption
NEWFile Vault securely stores personal information or sensitive files

Connect securely to any network at home, in the office or away
Automatically modifies firewall protection settings to suit location
Wi-Fi monitor helps prevent unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi network

Protect your family and their computers!
Blocks access to inappropriate websites and e-mail
Schedules and limits kids’ access to Internet and to applications
Play safe, play seamlessly!
Improved: Reduces the system load and avoids requesting user interaction during games

Get fine-tuned performance from your computer !
Uses few system resources
NEWLaptop mode prolongs battery life

Features and Benefits

NEWFamily network protection
Manage the security of your home network from a single location. BitDefender software from other computers in the network can be remotely configured, while tasks such as scans, backups tune-ups and updates can be run on-demand or scheduled to run during off-hours.

Hassle – Free Hourly Updates
Hourly updates ensure that you are protected against the latest threats without pushing a button. Lost program files are not a problem either. In the rare event of file damage due to PC problems, BitDefender automatically repairs and updates itself.

System Requirements
Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (32/64 bit) or higher
Windows Vista (32/64 bit) and Windows Vista SP1
Windows Home Server
Internet Explorer 6.0 (or higher)
.NET Framework 1.1 (also available in the installer kit)


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