主题 : Camera Plus pro v4.3 强大的摄影软件
级别: 十方秋水

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Camera Plus pro v4.3 强大的摄影软件

Camera Plus 是一款多功能的摄影软件,集即时滤镜预览,照片编辑于一身.
有关即时滤镜: 取景模式中双指左右滑动屏幕即可预览滤镜效果,不仅支持照相模式,还支持摄影模式。


Highlights of Camera Plus Pro for your iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch with camera:
(你的 iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS和iPod touch中Camera Plue Pro的亮点功能):
* Live Photo Filters (即时照相滤镜)
* Live Video Filters (即时录像滤镜)
* Live 'Soft Flash' for iPod touch and iPhone 3GS to get the best clarity in your photos in low-lighting conditions
(为iPod touch和iPhone 3gs提供了即时"柔和闪光灯",以便在昏暗环境中呈现最佳质量)
* High Quality Video Recording with Smooth Video Zoom
* Fast Photo & Video Capture and instant save
* Best Photo Editing Controls
* 36 beautiful Photo Filters & 9 distortion effects
(36钟照片滤镜 & 9钟扭曲效果)
* Instant Sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasa and YouTube (Facebook,Twitter,Flicker,Picasa,YouTube快速分享)
* Cordless Transfer of photos and videos to your system through WiFi (wifi下照片,录像无线传输)
* Private Photo & Video Collection (私人照片&录像集)
* Tagging Photos & Videos to have a better managed photo and video collection (为照片&录像写上标签,更佳管理模式)

版本 4.3 中的新功能
** Introducing Live 'Soft Flash' for iPhone 3GS and iPod touch. iPhone 3GS and iPod touch users will not miss flash anymore! Just turn on the flash on your app screen and you can now preview photos with the 'Soft Flash'. You can see a great difference in the clarity of photos in low-lighting conditions.
One more thing! Live 'Soft Flash' works on iOS 4.1 or later
(大意是部分设备开始支持Soft Flash(柔和闪光灯)了
** You can now crop your photos with one touch. Aspect ratio based crop will now make it easy for you to adjust what portion to keep in the photo you clicked. If you find this limiting, you can always use the free form crop!
** Re-touching your other photos in the Camera Roll and beautifying them with filters is going to be less time consuming! You can now import multiple photos from your Camera Roll to Camera Plus Pro. The app anyways offers you real-time fast editing and an instant comparison when you apply beautiful filters on them.
(大意是可以一次导入多张照片进Camera Plus pro,在编辑当前照片时可以欣赏其他照片)
** You could always add a note or copyright text to your photos. We just increased the font size to make it more legible.


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级别: 十方秋水

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威望: 155524 点
无痕币: 1436 WHB
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