主题 : 荷东的士高(第1辑) 超级经典舞曲 (320K mp3) FS2
级别: 五分秋意
UID: 43739
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发帖: 2296
威望: 3593 点
无痕币: 66 WHB
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在线时间: 1018(时)
注册时间: 2008-07-06
最后登录: 2023-12-16

荷东的士高(第1辑) 超级经典舞曲 (320K mp3) FS2


Hollyhood East Stars,荷李活东方明星舞会,(在香港等粤语地区好莱坞即称“荷李活”)简称“荷东”,是喜爱电子音乐的年轻香港音乐人80年代中期的代表作品,1985年香港飞时Face公司出品并被介绍到大陆。 后来系列作品还包括《家庭舞会》、《猛士》系列,但都不如最早的《荷东》动人心弦。


There she stands in the dark
Colder than ice
Vision fixed on the door
Colder than ice

Now she knows that she\'s nice
Go to head and meet blue eyes
No one dances her twice
Nothing happens so far
\'cause who wants to get burned by the ice

Who will reach her tonight
Before she takes flight
She\'s colder than ice
How can I get in first
Her to entice
She\'s colder than ice
Colder than ice

Suddenly he\'s almost there
And she\'s in his arms
Holds her close to him
And she feels his charms

Can\'t see it no more
Could it be I\'m losing for sure
Oh it\'s breaking me up
\'cause I\'m the only one
Who dares to walk on the ice

Who will reach her tonight
Before she takes flight
She\'s colder than ice
How can I get in first
Her to entice
She\'s colder than ice

Who will reach her tonight
Before she takes flight
She\'s colder than ice
How can I get in first
Her to entice
She\'s colder than ice

Colder than ice
She\'s colder than ice
(Colder than ice)


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