主题 : 流行音乐之王Michael Jackson 《You Are My Life》~很深情的,很好听 [APE][Ray]
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流行音乐之王Michael Jackson 《You Are My Life》~很深情的,很好听 [APE][Ray]

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You Are My Life

Once all alone
I was lost in a world of strangers
No one to trust
On my own, I was lonely
You suddenly appeared
It was cloudy before but now it's clear
You took away the fear
You brought me back to life

You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life

Now I wake up everyday
With this smile upon my face
No more tears, no more pain
Cause you love me
You help me understand
That love is the answer to all that I am
And I?m a better man
You taught me by sharing your life

You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life

You gave me strength
When I wasn't strong
You gave me hope when all hope is lost
You opened my eyes when I couldn?t see
Love was always here waiting for me

Michael JacksonMichael Jackson就不用多介绍了,大家听歌就是了。此曲除了向該歌曲原作者Carole Bayer Sager致敬外,據聞也是寫給他的孩子們。而Carole Bayer Sager是多次奧斯卡音樂獎得主的音樂人,也是MJ的好朋友,正是在她的安排聯繫下,MJ和製作人Rodney Jerkins才有機會合作出萬夫莫敵的新專輯,所以MJ特別在專輯副本的開頭致言感謝Carole Bayer Sager,並說如果沒有她,“也就不可能會有這張新專輯”。這首歌的旋律都很美,而且有著存在於任何時空的深涵意。人們因為獻出了自我,所以才能夠存在,產生出如何遠離殘酷現實的精神靈感,那也是藝人能夠為現實悲劇所做的幫助。為所有人打從內心表達出你的關懷,那是很重要的。

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