主题 : Young Folks
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Young Folks

if i told you things i did before
told you how i used to be
would you go along with someone like me
if you knew my story word for word
had all of my history
would you go along with someone like me

i did before and had my share
it didn't lead nowhere
i would go along with someone like you
it doesn't matter what you did
who you were hanging with
we could stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' 'bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about our own folks
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care about is talking
talking only me and you

usually when things has gone this far
people tend to disappear
no one would surprise me unless you do

i can tell there's something goin' on

hours seem to disappear
everyone is leaving i'm still with you

it doesn't matter what we do
where we are going to
we can stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' 'bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about our own folks
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care about is talking
talking only me and you

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' 'bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about our own folks
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care about is talking
talking only me and you
talking only me and you

talking only me and you
talking only me and you

Peter Bjorn And John

Peter Morén,Bjorn Yttling, 和John Erikkson,于1999年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Lo-Fi 团体,他们擅长把玩各种曲风,并且同样都能表现得很High。《Young Folks》是首很有玩味的曲子,无论是俏皮的口哨声还是翻滚落下的鼓点,欢快中又带点泼辣~~
  在摇滚乐的发展历史中,早期由于录音设备的简陋使得唱片在没有质量保证的情况下被快速而便宜地生产出来,如60年代的车库摇滚(Garage)以及70年代末的很多朋克摇滚等,都可以贴上低保真(Lo-Fi)的标签。 随后,Lo-Fi 渐渐被用来形容那些在家里用四轨录音机来录制音乐的地下独立摇滚乐手(队)。Lo-Fi 一词也不再仅是对某张专辑录音质量的描述,其本身也代表了一种音乐类型。

  Peter Bjorn and John是一支1999年成立的乐队,风格是Indie Rock,Pop/Rock。

  成员有Peter Morén(演唱,吉他,口琴),Björn Yttling (演唱,贝斯,键盘), John Eriksson (鼓,演唱)。

下载地址 http://www.littleradio.com/_media/AudioVideo/content_item/audio/1273/Shogu_Tokumaru_-_Young_Folks__PBJ_Cover_.mp3

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