主题 : 发烧女声Angela - Folk Acustico 24bit PR27929[FLAC][115]
级别: 六行秋雁
UID: 86658
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发帖: 641
威望: 14492 点
无痕币: 8 WHB
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在线时间: 252(时)
注册时间: 2009-10-01
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发烧女声Angela - Folk Acustico 24bit PR27929[FLAC][115]

In 2004, Premium Records put forth the "Acoustic Audiophile Voices" (PR27852) compilation; in 2006, there was Marianna Leporace's "Pop acustico"(PR27880)… and in 2007, the "Acoustic vocal" (PR27920) compilation.Angela's "Folk acustico" is our acoustic offering for 2008. Like those before, simplicity is pivotal. Emphasis is on strong melodies and radiant vocals.Tracks here include some of the best tunes from the past 40 years, made popular by Bee Gees, Don McLean, James Taylor, John Denver, Joni Mitchell, Randy VanWarmer, The Shirelles, and Elton John.

Premium Vocal - Catalog  PR27929
24bit Mastering - Premium Vocal - Audiophile Recording
Angela : FOLK ACUSTICO CD Album 24bit 192kHz 2008

01. First of May
02. Vincent
03. Fire and rain
04. Annie's song
05. I'll have to say I love you in a song
06. Both sides now
07. Scarborough Fair
08. Danny's song
09. Just when I needed you most
10. Teach your children
11. Will you love me tomorrow
12. Turn turn turn
13. Skyline pigeon

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    级别: 七朵秋菊
    UID: 106750
    精华: 0
    发帖: 2194
    威望: 27755 点
    无痕币: 163 WHB
    贡献值: 0 点
    在线时间: 695(时)
    注册时间: 2010-11-26
    最后登录: 2023-09-05

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