主题 : ESET将重写启发式引擎和加强木马查杀(特别是亚洲木马)0
级别: 二分秋色
UID: 24198
精华: 0
发帖: 33
威望: 350 点
无痕币: 1493 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 2(时)
注册时间: 2008-04-26
最后登录: 2017-12-23

0 ESET将重写启发式引擎和加强木马查杀(特别是亚洲木马)0

1.eset目前已经大幅度改善对onlinegames的检测,以下是eset病毒研究员说的 引用:
Thanks for all that samples you sent. Great job! Continuously I'm still working on it. Good news is that we have improved our detection for psw.onlinegames trojans which

steals passwords for various online games and which are widely spreaded in asia


2.eset重写的启发式引擎比现有的启发式引擎提高达20% 引用:
You will see the heuristics improvement up to 20%.
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