主题 : 真实空战模拟游戏 C.H.A.O.S v 4.0
级别: 十方秋水

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真实空战模拟游戏 C.H.A.O.S v 4.0

引用 C.H.A.O.S is a multiplayer combat helicopter simulator. Choose helicopters from different manufacturers from the USA, Russia and Europe such as AH-64 Apache, UH-60 Black Hawk, Hind, Ka-52 Alligator, RAH-66 Comanche and more! Go through intensive air combats and save the world from terror!
Complete missions, win air combats to get money and gain experience! Achieve new ranks and upgrade your helicopter.

- Realistic helicopter simulator with action packed gameplay
- Eight training missions to get ready for real air combat frenzy
- Two realistic battle locations
- Highly detailed helicopter models from different manufacturers
- Helicopter upgrades
- Two exciting multiplayer modes: Death Match and Team Play

It's your chance to became a flying ace!

引用 - iPhone 4S support added
- iOS 5 compatibility improvements
- New Nevada map added
- Game stats and pilot profile enhancements
- New achievements (Sniper, Air Warrior, Veteran)
- Improvements to helicopter parameters, multiplayer mode and gameplay

C.H.A.O.S v 4.0 更新,『自购自破』

事能知足心常乐 人到无求品自高
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