主题 : Aero Glass For Win8 0.3 (让WIN8实现毛玻璃效果)
级别: 五分秋意

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0 Aero Glass For Win8 0.3 (让WIN8实现毛玻璃效果)

是老外做的,通过注入dwm.exe来实现aero glass的。



Since I am busy with studying DWM and trying to introduce some more interesting stuff which will take a longer time implement (if it is possible :-) ) but I don't want to let you wait too long, here is another preview. Do not expect too much from this version. Just a few fixed bugs (and new bugs added :-) )

What's new:
* removed dependency on C:\DWM folder
* loop for layered windows chained into DWM main window's timer
* set lower interval for setting layered windows
* fixed crash for application which do not like WS_EX_LAYERED to be set too early (e.g. Windows Paint)
* fixed a few memory leaks
* added temporary workaround for iTunes (it will be removed in the future!!!)
* added some new EXPERIMENTAL registry settings:

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM (no user-specific settings now!)
DisableDebugLog (DWORD) = when set to 1, it disables logging to file. NOT RECOMMENDED!!!

ForceBoundingRectangleRedraw (DWORD) = when set to 1, layered windows technique will be disabled completely. Instead of it, it tries to repaint whole bounding rectangle of the window texture (with respect to clipping area). This settings is for users who don't like layered windows but I don't recommend to use it at all, because it has not been tested much, you won't see totally obscured objects in transparent area and it brings a lot of redraw glitches (so do not complain about them)!!!


This is still preview only, so it does not have to work for you at all. Report if it does not run at all, so I can fix as soon as possible.

What's new:
* removed MSVCR110D.DLL and MSVCP110D.DLL dependency
* started code refactoring
* fixed DWM deadlock with some applications (e.g. Snipping Tool)
* decreased video memory to the half
* it should be approx. three-times faster (although it can still be slow when having many large windows)
* added some registry settings:

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM (no user-specific settings now!)
DeviceFeatureLevel (DWORD) = forces to use specific Direct3D version level. Helpful in case of incompatible drivers etc. Allowed values 0x9100, 0x9200, 0x9300 (VMWare default), 0xa000 (for D3D 10), 0xa100 (for D3D 10.1), 0xb000 (for D3D 11), 0xb100 (for D3D 11.1). Do not use if everything works correctly!!!

BlurDeviation (DWORD) = the amount of blur to be applied. Set to 0 to disable blur effect completely. Default value is 30.

GlassTransparency (DWORD) = value of alpha component which will be applied to the glass. Range 0 (total transparency) - 255 (opaque), default value is 175.

Please, if you want to play with these settings, report back which value are the best for you, so I can allow best user experience in release version :-)

  • 无痕币:+2(拂塵凊影) 感谢分享
  • 级别: 三阵秋雨
    UID: 97673
    精华: 0
    发帖: 218
    威望: 1319 点
    无痕币: 2205 WHB
    贡献值: 187 点
    在线时间: 34(时)
    注册时间: 2009-11-25
    最后登录: 2024-04-28

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