主题 : Murs - Murs for President [Hiphop][82M]
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Murs - Murs for President [Hiphop][82M]

专辑名称:Murs for President
唱片公司:Warner Bros.
Murs, one of rap's biggest independent success stories and a pioneering L.A. underground hip-hop start for a decade, finally makes his major label debut with Murs For President. A vote for Murs is a vote for eclectic, genre-bending, politically charged, musically adventurous, and genuinely entertaining rap (Snoop Dogg and will.i.am are featured on the album). A vote for Murs is a vote for the future!
1. Intro
2. I'm Innocent
3. Lookin' Fly - Murs,
4. Science
5. Can It Be (Half a Million Dollars and 18 Months Later)
6. Everything
7. Road Is My Religion
8. Soo Comfortable
9. Time Is Now - Murs,
10. Think You Know Me
11. Me ans This Jawn
12. Love and Appreciate II - Murs, Tyler Woods
13. Part of Me
14. Break Up (The Oj Song)
15. Breakthrough

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