主题 : 节奏欢快超好听的一首歌---The Corrs---Breathless
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注册时间: 2007-11-26
最后登录: 2024-04-22

节奏欢快超好听的一首歌---The Corrs---Breathless

The Corrs

  由Jim、Sharon、Caroline、Andrea四位兄弟姐妹组成的The Corrs可儿家族合唱团,来自于爱尔兰小镇的一个天主教家庭,父母亲是巡回演出乐团的乐师,在父母亲的指引下,大哥Jim负责吉他及键盘、大姐 Sharon负责演奏小提琴、二姐Caroline负责打鼓、小妹Andrea则是吹奏锡笛及身兼主唱,小时候四个人常常聚在父母亲楼上的卧房演唱,从木匠兄妹、老鹰合唱团、古典乐到宗教圣乐都有,可儿家族便自然而然地朝向音乐之路发展。
歌手:corrs the
专辑:in blue
Go on, go on, leave me breathless
Come on...
The daylight's fading slowly
But time with you is standing still
The daylight's fading slowly
I'm waiting for you only
but time with you is standing still
The slightest touch and i feel weak
I'm waiting for you only
I cannot lie
The slightest touch and I'll feel weak
From you i cannot hide
And i'm losing the will to try
I cannot lie
Can't hide
From you I cannot hide
Can't fight it
I'm losing the will to try
Can't hide it (can't hide it)
Can't fight it (can't fight it)
So go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, untill i can't deny
This lovin' feeling
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Corrs, The
Make me long for your kiss
Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this
Go on, go on, yeah
loving feeling, make me long for your kiss
Come on
Go on, go on
Yeah, come on...
And it there's tomorrow
And all we have is here and now
And if there's no tomorrow
I'm hapy just to have you
And all we have is here and now
You're all the love i need somehow
I'm happy just to have you
I'ts like a dream
You're all the love I need somehow
Although i'm not a sleep
And i never want to wake up
It's like a dream
Don't lose it
Although I'm not asleep
Don't leave it
I never want to wake up
Don't lose it (don't lose it)
Don't leave me (don't leave me)
And i can't lie
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this
And i've lost my will to try
loving feeling, make me long for your kiss
Can't hide it
Go on, go on
Can't fight it
Yeah, come on...
[Guitar Solo]
Tempt me, tease me, untill i can't deny
And I can't lie
This lovin' feeling
From you I cannot hide
Make me long for your kiss
I've lost my will to try
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Can't hide it (can't hide it)
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Can't fight it (can't fight it)
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this
loving feeling, make me long for your kiss
Go on, go on
Yeah, come on...
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless (leave me breathless)
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless (leave me breathless)
Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless (leave me breathless)
Go on, go on
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