主题 : Slax Linux 6.0.8 - 光盘上的Linux
级别: 六行秋雁
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0 Slax Linux 6.0.8 - 光盘上的Linux

Slax是一个可应用的光盘镜像文件,用官方的话说就是装在口袋里的发行版,是基于Slackware-Current的LiveCD,它可以在一张CD -ROM小光盘上(3.14"光盘或者USB均可)直接运行,而并不需要安装。你可以用自己喜欢的刻录软件刻录,当然完成以后,你可以直接从光盘启动 Linux。
        Changes in version Slax 6.0.0:
Linux Live scripts version 6 are the most innovative scripts available.AuFS provides better stability compared to old unio n fs, squashfs withLZMA support provides great compression ratio and amazing decompressionspeed. What's new compared to old Linux Live scripts v 5:
- aufs is used instead of unio n fs, brings great stability and features
- squashfs is patched with LZMA compression, so compressed filesystems are up to 30% smaller
- no need to patch your distro's startup scripts in order to remove remount of root rw
- no need for udev as the devices are created during live startup
- CD tree is simplified, you may call your distro as you like, eg. slax, knoppix, etc.
- support for booting from USB and PCMCIA/CardBus device
- support for writing persistent changes even to VFAT (thanks to posixovl)
- added a script to create bootable disk (including USB) in Linux and Windows

下载:Slax for CD
下载:Slax for USB
下载: Linux Live 6.2.4
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