主题 : BSD发行版发布:FreeBSD 7.1
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UID: 76075
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0 BSD发行版发布:FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD是一份UNIX操作系统,它面向i386、IA-64、PC-98、Alpha/AXP及UltraSPARC平台。它基于加州伯克利大学的4.4 BSD-Lite发布,并带有一些4.4 BSD-Lite2增强。它还非直接地基于WilliamJolitz的port,这源于加州伯克利大学i386化的“Net/2”也即“386BSD”,尽管386BSD中只有非常少的代码遗留下来。FreeBSD被遍布全世界的公司、Internet服务提供商、研究人员、计算机专家、学生,以及家庭用户用于他们的工作、教学和娱乐之中。

The first big release of the new year is FreeBSD 7.1: "TheFreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce theavailability of FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE. This is the second release fromthe 7-STABLE branch which improves on the functionality of FreeBSD 7.0and introduces some new features. Some of the highlights: The ULEscheduler is now the default in GENERIC kernels for amd64 and i386architectures; support for using DTrace inside the kernel has beenimported from OpenSolaris; a new and much-improved NFS Lock Manager(NLM) client; boot loader changes allow, among other things, bootingfrom USB devices and booting from GPT-labeled devices; the cpuset(2)system call and cpuset(1) command have been added, providing an API forthread to CPU binding and CPU resource grouping and assignment; KDEupdated to 3.5.10, GNOME updated to 2.22.3; DVD-sized media for theamd64 and i386 architectures." See the release announcement and release notes for further details. Download (torrents): 7.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.gz (1,808MB, MD5, torrent), 7.1-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso.gz (1,806MB, MD5, torrent).
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