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主题 : 《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605044
威望: 529548 点
无痕币: 13 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62453(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-11

  The New Legion needs a true capital, one that embodies our strength and grandeur. I realized it while recalling my first day in Rome. My hometown in Numidia had its wonders, but it could never match the splendor of that great city. I was in constant awe.
  Most on this island are consumed by the present - their immediate needs and struggles. Yet a new generation will live within our walls one day. When they see what their forefathers have built, I want them to be as inspired as I was. I want to show them that no matter where they are born, their destinies are theirs for the taking.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I have received disturbing news. Apparently, the Beast Queen has resurfaced with an even larger contingent than before, and she is on the move. Worse still, she is travelling directly towards one of the obelisks.
  I can think of no worse scenario than the obelisks falling into the those barbaric hands. She has always been a nuisance, but with their power, the Beast Queen would pose a dire threat to everything I have built.
  I must mobilize my main force and move to intercept her at once. The future of this island may hang in the balance.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  When my army arrived at the obelisk, I feared we were too late. The Beast Queen was nowhere to be found. I was about to order a search of the area when I was blinded by a flash of light. Suddenly, the barbarian horde was right before us, and battle was joined.
  Though the savage possessed a fearsome new monster, it attacked ally and enemy alike. If anything, its presence made the slaughter more complete. By the end, the Beast Queen's forces were annihilated, and she herself had fled with mortal wounds. At last, her threat is ended.
  Interestingly, we also captured an acquaintance of Rockwell's during the battle. Perhaps she knows something about the obelisks that Rockwell does not.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Walker had told us to expect some kind of monster after activating the obelisk, but I never imagined that we would battle one of Ceres' dragons. No, that's not right. It was too colossal and wild for even a god's chariot. I doubt Diana herself could control it, and yet, the New Legion felled it.
  It cost the lives of many men and even more beasts, but it was worth the sacrifice. According to Walker, the third key we acquired may allow me to open this cave she speaks of. Then the power of the obelisks and this very island will be mine to command.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  沃克(Helena Walker,即海莲娜)曾告朕曰,方舟启动之时,必有巨兽现身。然朕犹未期与谷神(Ceres)之巨龙相斗。非也,神之座驾亦无如此巨野。唯恐狩猎女神(Diana)亦无力降服之。然新军力戮巨龙。
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Damn these barbarians. They've smelled our weakness.
  Between our battles with the Beast Queen and the dragon, the New Legion's main army has been distracted and depleted. Lesser tribes have taken advantage by raiding our camps and seizing territory that we claimed with our blood and sweat.
  Fine. Let them have their temporary victories. Let them imagine that they have inflicted real wounds upon us. When I obtain the power of the obelisks, they will pay for every blade of grass they take from me. With that power, I will make them know true regret.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  My men are uneasy. News reached us that the Howling Wolves are on the march, heading straight for the heart of New Legion territory. Some want to turn back and defend our home. I understand the instinct, but they lack my foresight. Only Rockwell has the strength of mind to see my vision.
  We are nearly to the cave. Once I hold the power it contains, I can use it to crush the Howling Wolves and their petty forces. Whatever gains they make will be erased. I'll unite the entire island in a single, glorious battle.
  Soon they'll see. Everyone will see. I am this island's destined emperor. I am its destined god!
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I had not expected to battle another monster, much less one so powerful. Yet here I stand, victorious! My men lie dead, my beasts lie dead, yet I still stand!
  Even Rockwell has never seen anything like this place. Surely it is some hall of the gods. Surely the power of the obelisks is here, waiting for a worthy champion to wield it. With it, I will not need beasts or men. Its power alone will win me this island. I need only find it, and claim what is mine.
  Praise Janus for taking me here! Praise Mars for lending me his strength! I claim this great victory in your names!
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Nothing! How can there be nothing? I have searched ceaselessly, and yet I find NOTHING!
  I sacrificed my men, my kingdom, everything. I have nothing left to give. Everything I've bled for is gone! For what? For a view?
  What trickery is this? What is this place? Am I the victim of some divine joke? I don't understand. I served the Emperor loyally. Why would Janus pull me from his service if not to bring order here?
  I've cried out for answers, but the gods never respond. They have abandoned me. All I hear is my own voice, echoing off these cursed halls - betrayed, destitute and alone.
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