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主题 : 《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
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UID: 998
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0 《方舟生存进化》探险家笔记翻译 方舟全探险家笔记内容一览

  Li Mei Yin(李梅盈)来自中国的汉末勇士
  方舟的独狼女王——李美盈(Li Mei Yin)的生存者笔记
  但是在文字上,这完全就是打印机打印的汉字。虽然说汉代末年正楷是盛行的,但也不能这样。好几个地方还有标点符号(古汉语是没有标点的,靠之乎者也断句) 文言文有部分地方感觉还是有点强行翻译或者现代思维的痕迹。

  Where am I? How did I arrive?
  I have asked these questions many times since I awoke on this foreign shore, but I must stop. They do not matter. Their answers will not save me, so I will focus on a different question - how can I survive? This question always has an answer, though it is ever changing, and it has helped me find resolve in moments of uncertainty or fear.
  Just days ago, I never thought I'd fear again. I thought my fear died with the Yellow Turbans. Yet when I see a great lizard turn its eyes on me, I know fear is exactly what I feel.

  I am armed and clothed now, though crudely. My stone spearhead makes me long for my village's weaponsmith, but it serves. I use it to hunt the slow, fat birds that wander the coast. I do not know how such creatures survive here at all, but I am grateful for the meat they provide.
  I save my arrows for the more dangerous creatures - like the lizards with ears like fans, whose spit burns the things it touches. No, not just the creatures. They are not the only danger. Yesterday, I found footprints in the sand that were not my own. I am not alone.

  Defending my hometown during the uprising taught me more in months than I learned in all the years before it. Among those lessons - men will always underestimate women in battle, and humans can be crueler than any animal. Both applied today.
  The footprints I found were not from one man, but three. Their eyes changed when they saw me, like wolves discovering a lamb. They were wrong. They were merely mutts. I was the wolf. Two died to arrows after ignoring my warnings. The last to my spear. I left their bodies out in the wild.
  I cannot stay here. The beaches are too open. To survive, I must brave the jungle.

  Today, I scored a great victory.
  As the sun set, I happened upon a small village on a bluff. Unfortunately, it was besieged by a man who rode a lizard like a horse and wielded a stick that spat fire. It would have been safer to retreat, but I could not ignore the bodies. This was a slaughter.
  Surprise can be a warrior's most powerful weapon, and I wielded it effectively. My first arrow found the lizard's throat, and many more pierced the man's back once he tumbled from the saddle. He never saw his vanquisher.
  In hindsight, I should have spared the beast. A mount would be welcome.
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  The surviving villagers let me claim the lizard rider's armor and weapons, and gave me shelter for the night. To my surprise, I understood them. Their mouths moved strangely, but in my ears I heard the language of my home. They say it is the work of the metal object in my wrist. I do not understand, but they had no reason to lie.
  That night, I dreamt of the uprising, but this time I was Lieutenant Guan, lifting the siege on my village in a single, gallant charge. Yet when I woke, I was just Mei-Yin, and the villagers were gone. I am a stranger to them, but my heart feels heavier for their loss.
  I must carry on alone.

  The villagers had made taming beasts sound simple, but my first attempt was nearly my last. My prey was the same kind of two legged lizard as the raider's steed, what the villagers called a "raptor", but this one was strong. Even as my toxin laced arrows knocked him out, he was able to make one final lunge for my arm. He nearly took it.
  Carefully, I fed him scraps of meat as he rested, and when he finally woke, I kept my weapon trained on him. Only when I was sure that he was docile did I notice his appearance - all black, save his white shins and feet. Right then, I named him Wuzhui, and while I do not believe in fate, I felt that this beast would carry me home.

  The raptors are improving. They know to follow Wuzhui, and Wuzhui knows to listen to me. Beasts without riders cannot maintain a formation, but they at least run close together. In time, they have even learned how to attack and retreat at my signal during our hunts on the plains.
  Together, Wuzhui and his five brothers are like a light cavalry unit, and I am their commander. Unfortunately, they are all I really have. I am not much of a craftsman, and have few possessions.
  Not everyone here is like me, though. There may be some who can craft but but cannot fight. Perhaps we could trade.

  The defense went spectacularly. Like many tribes, The Red Hawks relied entirely on brute force. They thought only of charging in with their beasts and their guns, with no regard for their surroundings. They never expected a sortie, much less one that came from their exposed flank.
  Our victory was so complete that my benefactors not only rewarded me with the weapons and supplies they promised, but extra pack animals to carry them. With each battle, my skills improve and my ranks swell, if only with beasts. I don't mind that. The people that I care about are back home. Until I return, Wuzhui is enough company.

  I was told this escort mission would be dangerous, but I had not expected to fight a legitimate army.
  Fortunately, I was riding ahead of the main column and spotted them first. After signalling for the convoy to change course, I harassed the enemy from their flanks to draw their attention, then retreated in a different direction. Even that cost me. Many of Wuzhui's brothers were injured and some were killed. Previously, my enemies here fought wildly or scattered when attacked, but these men had discipline.
  The leader of the convoy was very grateful. Apparently, few survive an encounter with this "New Legion". I should be wary of them in the future.
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  Am I a mercenary now? I had not given it much thought until I was actually called one. I don't like the title. Mercenaries fight for riches, but I'm just fighting for what I need to survive. That's different, isn't it?
  When I fought back home, I knew who and what I was fighting for. I knew who my enemies were. Here I cannot tell. I am trying to be honorable by defending people and not attacking them, but how can I be certain?
  I cannot dwell on it. To survive, I must fight on. To return home, I must fight on.

  I've started to tame larger creatures. The speed of my light cavalry was beneficial, but I realized that it was not enough. A hundred swift strikes mean nothing if there is no strength behind them. To survive enemies like the New Legion, I must be able to strike with power.
  I began with the ones that look like larger raptors, but with horns on their foreheads. They balance strength and speed well, and will serve well as the core of my forces. When I have enough horned raptors, I will add some of the giants.
  Maybe then I'll finally have the strength to find a way home.

  I am living on an island. Worse, a cursed island.
  When I managed to tame a great spined lizard and a giant raptor, I left the jungle to find a way out of these treacherous lands, but I soon found myself travelling in circles. Worse still, I'm told that a magical barrier prevents ships from sailing too far from the shore, and birds from flying too high to leave the island. It was never a matter of strength. There is no path home at all.
  Wuzhui seems to sense my unease. These days, I often wake to find him nestled beside me. At least I am not trapped here alone.

  I laughed for the first time in weeks today. A man from a small tribe of fisherman sought to hire me, but he didn't call me by my name. He called me the "Beast Queen of the Jungle". I could not keep a straight face.
  I suppose I understand the title. Since my failed expedition, I have staked out a small swath of land to live on more permanently, and the locals know it as my pack's hunting ground. Still, I'm hardly a queen. My "castle" is little more than a shack. I'd rather be called a queen than a mercenary though, so I may as well embrace it.

  I wonder what father would think of me now. Would he be proud of me when I march off to battle? I know he wanted a son. That's why he trained me in secret. Would he accept a Beast Queen instead? Mother wouldn't approve. The other villagers were too desperate to care about my gender when I joined the fight against the Turbans, but mother never forgave me. She wouldn't even look at me now.
  Should I mind?
  Those were Mei-Yin's parents, from Mei-Yin's life, and sometimes I wonder if that life was even real. Maybe I was always a beast, and never a woman.
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  I have finally found a beast that I cannot command. No, to call him a beast is not enough. He is a demon.
  I was stalking a pair of giant raptors, waiting for an opportunity to bring them into my pack, when he tore through the treeline to steal their kill. He dwarfed even the giant raptors in size, and in fury he surely has no equal in this world. When his foes bit at him, his eyes glowed with hatred and he struck with renewed vigor.
  I have never seen such terror. Even I dare not challenge this creature. If I am the Beast Queen, then he is the Demon King.

  A woman named Helena arrived at my camp yesterday, though not to hire me. She said that she was a scholar studying the creatures on this island, and that she wanted to observe my beasts. I turned her away at first, not trusting her intentions. How could I? What mad fool would bother with scholarly pursuits in a place like this? Yet she persisted, and in time I was convinced of her honesty.
  I don't know if I made the right decision. Helena is constantly asking strange questions. Why does she need to know so much about my beasts' feces and mating behavior? What a bizarre person.

  When Helena arrived, I was constantly glancing in her direction, wondering just what she was scribbling in that thick book of hers. Now I hardly notice her unless we're speaking. The questions haven't stopped, but thankfully they aren't always about things like animal feces. Sometimes we just talk about something simple, like cooking. Neither of us are very good at it, but together we've managed to make a few things that tasted better than plain meat.
  Yet before long, my territory will be silent once more. Helena says she has to move on, and war is brewing in the south. Someone will need my sword very soon.

  The war in the south is not an ordinary one. According to the member of the Painted Sharks that arrived to hire me, his tribe is fighting the New Legion. I admit, that gave me pause. They were formidable before, and they've grown even stronger since we last met. Yet I have grown stronger too, and the Sharks were clearly in desperate straights. I could not turn them away.
  As I readied for war, I recalled a dream I had many months ago. I still don't believe in fate, but maybe this is my nature. On this island, maybe I can actually be like Lieutenant Guan.

  My beasts are precisely what the Sharks lacked. Most of their martial strength lies at sea. On land, they lacked a unit with the ferocity of a true vanguard. Without that, they could merely withstand the Legion's siege, not break it. That changed when my beasts crashed into the Legion's rear like a great wave.
  I can still hear the cheers as the Legion fled. I can feel the echo of the emotion that swelled in my chest. If I could return home, I imagine that is what I would feel like. I won't dare forget it.

  Sometimes I fear that I have grown fangs or horns without noticing. What else can explain the way others look at me? In battle the Sharks cheer me, but afterwards we rarely speak. I camp separately and only am summoned when it's time to discuss strategy. I do not understand.
  Trust is rare on this island. I know that. But have I not bled in their defense? Have my beasts not died fighting their battles? Perhaps it's just the strain of war.
  We're in Legion territory now, taking the battle to them. Soon the war will be won. Surely then the Sharks will not fear me.
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  When anger rises, think of the consequences. I know this by heart, yet I cannot help but seethe with fury. Even Wuzhui is keeping his distance.
  Last night, I awoke to the sound of thunder coming from the Shark's main camp. I rushed to their aid, but blinded by the night and consumed with panic, they attacked my pack. By the time order was restored, we'd both sustained losses.
  Clearly this was the work of the enemy, but those fools blame me for the confusion. Some even claim I torched their camp. How dare they question my honor after all I've done? Cowards! They have no right!

  I should have foreseen this. Though I put my pride aside, those audacious Sharks could not. At their behest, I began the long trek back to my own territory this morning.
  They say that they will finish the war without me. Doubtful. Without my pack at the van, the New Legion will surely smash them to pieces. But what can I do? I cannot protect them if they do not want my protection.
  Will the Legion come for me afterwards? I cannot say, but if they do, I know that I will receive no aid. I must rely on my own strength, and right now I fear it insufficient.
  I need to become stronger. I need the Demon King.

  He is mine. After a mighty struggle, the power of the Demon King is now mine to unleash.
  The cost was almost too great. I brought only my swiftest beasts on the hunt, hoping to run him in circles, but even still he managed to kill many of them. Were it not for Wuzhui, he may have killed me as well, but my Wuzhui is both swift and cunning. He knew exactly what distance to maintain, exactly when to retreat. No steed could prove more true.
  Tomorrow I must begin acclimating the Demon King to life in my pack, but for tonight, I will allow myself to celebrate.

  I was wise to test the Demon King's hunting skills from atop one of my flying beasts. When he stumbled down a small rock formation, his eyes glowed with that familiar hatred and suddenly he proved deaf to my commands. In time, he calmed down and obeyed me once more, but it was a fearsome thing to witness.
  I think I will keep him apart from the other beasts. Not only will it keep them safe, but it will calm their nerves. They have been tense since his arrival. I cannot blame them. The Demon King's power could save or doom us. I must use him with extreme care.

  Am I making a mistake? Maybe. The closer that great pillar of light gets on the horizon, the more my concern grows.
  It is a gamble, no question. Helena said that she did not know if this pillar of light will behave like the other one. Yet if it does, if we are transported to some other plane to battle a monster for a mysterious key, then there's a chance that this could be the first step on the path home. If not that, then at least a path away from this island and the New Legion.
  Technically Helena has hired me, but that small chance is payment enough. It's worth the risk.
  I hope I am prepared.

  Had I let fear rule me and left the Demon King behind, then Helena and I would be dead. Only with his strength were we able to defeat the gigantic ape. His rage cost some of my pack their lives in the aftermath, but that was the price of victory. The price of hope.
  The key we were rewarded with matches the one Helena already had. The means the third pillar must lead to a third key. And when combined? What then? It's uncertain, but if each pillar takes us somewhere, then maybe their combined power can take us anywhere.
  Maybe it can take us home.

  Damn those New Legion cowards! At full strength, I could have fended them off, but they attacked just as we returned to the pillar of light. What beasts I had were exhausted, and the Demon King flew into a rage before I could start a retreat. When that happened, all hope was lost.
  The last thing I remember is a sharp pain in my side. When I awoke, I was alone with Wuzhui. Both of us were covered in blood, but Wuzhui's wounds were deeper. I cannot fathom how he carried me to safety in such a state.
  I must find a place to hide. Wuzhui and I are alone now, and barely clinging to hope.
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  My dearest friend is gone. To his last he was magnificent. The creatures that attacked us were larger and with his wounds they were even faster, but no beast could ever match Wuzhui in spirit. I buried him where he fell, saving me one last time.
  I was unworthy of such a loyal friend, but I will avenge him. His true murderers will pay. Not the beasts, but the New Legion. They are responsible. I swear by the souls of my ancestors that I will find their leader and drive my blade into his heart! In Wuzhui's name I will take his head!

  As I thought, the Legion was at the last pillar of light. I sighted them as they departed, and have been following them since. They are too many for me to fight head on. If they spot me, I will be killed, but I know how to hide from sight and mask my scent from their beasts.
  It did not take long to discern which one was the leader. No one else walks with his pride or gestures with his authority. I could probably have hit him with an arrow by now, but I want him to see my face. I want him to know that the Beast Queen vanquished him.

  I soon regretted freeing Helena from her cage before following the Legion through the portal they opened. She was too focused on the wonders around us. When she saw that most of the Legion was dead, she even tried to dissuade me from killing their leader. I knocked her unconscious. I wish her no harm but I cannot let her interfere.
  At least she told me his name - Nerva. That is the man I will kill here, on this most fitting stage. I admit, it is beautiful. The stars shine so clearly. I can think of no better place for my vengeance.\n\nHere, at the edge of heaven, let our battle finally be decided.


  It is the chaos of this land that is truly disturbing to me, even more than its most titanic and vicious beasts. Animals are meant to be savage. Even when tamed, they are not truly civilized, but man? Man is supposed to be above the animal, yet the people here live in squalor and fight viciously over scraps like stray dogs.
  I have convinced some of them to band together under my leadership, and together, we have found safety and order. Unfortunately, they are untrained and lack cohesion. I'll have to fix that.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  I am reminded of my first command in Dacia. Many men questioned my rank, wondering why they had to follow a Centurion so young. It took time to earn their trust, but it was necessary. I could not have even a single soldier questioning me in battle, lest our discipline fail.
  Without discipline, our century's formation would crumble, and the legion would be exposed. It is the same here. These ragged men and women will not become a unit overnight, but I am patient and more experienced than I was in Dacia. I may be far from the Rome, but I know this for certain - this island will know its might.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Training grew easier once my charges began to see the results. In fact, they've found such a wellspring of enthusiasm that their drills and chores alone cannot contain it. This morning, I found a flag flying above the armory.
  It was the symbol of the Imperial Legion, but with one of the island's flying lizards replacing the eagle and words in a foreign language replacing SPQR. I'm told they say "The New Legion." I admit, I smiled at the sight.
  Very well then. It's time to find out if I've created true Legionnaires. We march at dawn.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I knew I'd chosen a soft target to test my men, but I had expected a little more resistance. The tribe we assaulted was young, but supposedly they had seen some success as raiders. I cannot see how, given how swiftly they fell into disarray. Some even attempted to flee but they did not get far.
  After scouring their fortifications for supplies, we razed them to the ground and planted our flag among the ashes. Let every savage and tribal pretender know: the New Legion has arrived.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I am finally satisfied with our defenses against flying creatures. The solution was obvious once I stopped thinking of them as special. With any foe, the goal is to control their actions. So instead of trying to block flyers completely, we created apparent holes in our aerial defenses that entice attackers into kill zones.
  Our architect was grateful for the solution. He had been dreading trying to build a roof over the whole fortress. We have grown too large for that to be practical, and soon we will be larger still. Our first true war begins soon, and I suspect many Blackthumbs shall defect before its end.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  It did not take long for me to grow accustomed to the weapons of this world - many of which are called "guns" according to one of my lieutenants. They are far more accurate and deadly than any bow, but like any weapon, they are only as effective as their wielder. In the hands of the Blackthumbs, they are of no concern.
  In battle, we have been able to bait the Blackthumbs into attacking a wave of durable but disposable beasts before descending upon them with our main force. Our attacks are concentrated while theirs are scattered. That makes all the difference.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  The Blackthumbs are destroyed. Their leader was defiant, but his tribesmen did not wish to fight the inevitable. They offered us his head last evening. I suspect surrenders will be more frequent now. The Blackthumbs were the first, but they shall not be the last.
  Yes, I see it clearly. This is destiny. The gods have brought me here to bring order, to save these people from their own savagery. Janus pulled me across a bridge of time and space, Mars lent me his strength and now I shall create my own empire in their name.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I have allowed the Legion to take a reprieve from war, at least for now. We need time to gather our strength and plan our road to conquest before we march again. Augustus did not unite the Empire by rushing into battle, after all. Such things take time, and more importantly, information.
  As I write, my scouts are mapping out the surrounding lands and observing any tribes that may oppose us. I have no doubt they are not all like the Blackthumbs. One could very well prove to by my Marc Antony, and when I find him, I will be prepared.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  朕于此落书时,朕之哨骑正巡于全岛,测绘地理,勘探敌情。部落诸多,或不同于黑指之众。若有人欲为马克安东尼(Marc Antony,东罗马帝国君主),于朕寻得其前,朕当早有准备。
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  While a prudent general must take his time to plan, I realize that comfort breeds complacence. So as my scouts range across the beaches and jungles, I have made sure to lead our main force out on regular raids. Our targets have been weak - mostly small villages or unsuspecting convoys - but they resist enough to keep my men's instincts sharp. Letting them keep the meager spoils of these exercises has helped morale as well.
  Our actions have not gone unnoticed, however. My scouts say many tribes are avoiding our territory altogether now. Good. A fearsome reputation will serve the Legion well.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  Who could have imagined that a simple convoy would give the New Legion its first taste of adversity? Before today, the idea would seem absurd.
  They must have seen our approach, because just as we spotted our prey, we found our left flank beset upon by a pack of beasts. Though the creatures were smaller in size and number, they struck fast, they struck together and they never lingered. By the time we chased them off for good, the convoy was long gone. Impossibly, I spotted but a single rider throughout it all. Who is she? If Mars has blessed me, does Minerva harry me?
  No, I was simply unprepared. I will not be again.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  It seems that some of our neighbors have grown weary of our raiding. Today, I received an envoy from the Golden Arrows who proposed a lucrative trade agreement between our two tribes, with the caveat that we never encroach on the territory or convoys of the Golden Arrows or any of their allies.
  I have no interest in trade agreements, but I do know how to seize an opportunity. So instead of accepting right away, I proposed that we ratify the agreement with his tribe's leaders on a neutral site.
  I have planned long enough. It is time for the New Legion to resume its march.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  News of my rather definitive response to the Arrows' proposal has spread quickly, but few seem keen to act on it. Who can blame them? Without their leaders, the Arrows quickly folded, and the New Legion grew significantly in power practically overnight.
  The other tribes only managed to interrupt their cowering long enough to send another envoy, a man named Edmund Rockwell. Given the results of the last one I received, I almost didn't believe it, but apparently this man is special. The other tribes seem to respect him as a neutral party and expert on the island. We shall see.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I did not expect much from Edmund Rockwell, but he has surprised me. He has a curious way of speaking, but he clearly possesses a razor sharp intellect and a wide breadth of knowledge. Though we only met for half a day, I gained invaluable information about this island, which is apparently called the ARK.
  I shall have to send a scout to pinpoint where Rockwell lives. In addition to his expertise on the ARK, he is known to create elixirs that have extraordinary effects. It would behoove me to keep those out of my enemies' hands.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  It seems I was not the only one who was skeptical of Rockwell's ability to curb my ambitions. The nearby Painted Sharks mustered up the courage to harass several of our coastal fortresses, but in doing so, they confirmed their nature. During their raids, they only attacked from the air and sea. They patently refused to set foot on land.
  If the Sharks are at home in the ocean, then I will pull our coastal forces back and attack their outposts on the mainland. Once their island fortress is cut off from support and supplies, I can whittle it down to rubble at my leisure.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  The incident with the convoy was no fluke. The rider has returned, and this time we had plenty of warning. Reports of some "Beast Queen" joining forces with the Sharks reached my ears days before the siege. Her ranks have swelled since the convoy but there is no doubt it is her. Not only did she help break the siege, but for the first time in its existence, the New Legion is in full retreat.
  This cannot continue. I will not allow it. I will conquer the Sharks, as I will conquer the entire ARK, but first I must destroy this so called queen.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605059
威望: 529688 点
无痕币: 0 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62616(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-05-20

  Li Mei-Yin, the Beast Queen of the Jungle. That is the name of my foe. It is a name that I have already grown weary of, but soon I will never hear it again.
  It turns out that she is a mercenary not beholden to any tribe, including the Painted Sharks. So as satisfying as it may be, I need not actually defeat her. I must simply divorce her from her employers, and I know exactly how to do it. The seeds of my victory are already planted.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  The Beast Queen is no longer a concern. It was a simple matter, really. A small team of Legionnaires planted explosives in the Sharks' camp in the dead of night while leaving hers conspicuously untouched.
  Predictably, the explosions drew the Beast Queen's attention but the Sharks mistook her advance for an enemy attack. After that, it was only a matter of time before they parted ways.
  With that barbarian removed from the conflict, this land war will end shortly. We've already pushed the Sharks out of Legion territory. Soon we will face them where they are strongest - the open sea.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  After taking the Painted Sharks' last foothold on the mainland, this war has turned into one of attrition. While I construct a proper fleet, the Sharks' resources will continue to dwindle and my flyers will continue to harass their main compound. When we finally stage our invasion, their spirits will be broken and their storehouses empty.
  In the meantime, I've been investigating this island's potential for naval warfare. Some sea creatures can carry a small ballista platform on their back, making them a curious sort of warship. I'm interested to see how they'll fare. Hopefully the Sharks can offer a skirmish or two before their will breaks completely.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Today shall live forever in the annals of history. Today, I raised the New Legion flag above the Painted Sharks' battered fortress, and in that moment, my empire was truly born. In that moment, the New Legion became the dominant power on this island.
  With that in mind, I've given my troops three days respite to celebrate our victory, though I shall not take part. My work is never done, and I mustn't lose sight of my true goals.
  Only when I have brought this island into a new age shall I be content. Only then shall I rest.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  When my scouts reported that they had finally found Rockwell's compound, I set out to meet him at once. While that meant delegating matters that others might find more pressing, I did not hesitate. Minds like Rockwell's are a precious resource on this island. To have him as an advisor would be invaluable.
  Whether Rockwell accepts my offer or not, my visit has already paid dividends. Apparently, he has spent some time researching the massive obelisks on this island, and theorizes that they may hold great power. If there is any chance that said power can be wielded, then I must learn all that I can about them.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  These obelisks are fascinating. Apparently, Rockwell managed to coax a response out of one of them with an offering of some kind. Could it be that they are some grand monument to the gods? If I appease them with a sacrifice, will they grant me their power?
  Yes, of course. Janus may have chosen me to rule this island by bringing me here, but I must prove my worth to the other gods by completing this ritual. Well, now that I have Rockwell's council at my beck and call, I shall pass this trial with ease. Then the power of the gods will be mine to command.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  After studying my scouts' reports, I have concluded that few tribes remain who can successfully resist the New Legion's march. However, the island's snowy tundras are a matter of concern. The dominant tribe in the region, the Howling Wolves, are known to be fierce fighters. More importantly, a prolonged invasion would prove nigh impossible in that weather.
  Yes, for now I shall avoid the frozen north. Instead I will annex the smaller tribes, consolidate the New Legion's holdings and investigate the obelisks with Rockwell. Perhaps their power can solve my northern conundrum.
  Gaius Marcellus Nerva
  Victory through discipline
  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕
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