主题 : 最新Windows 7 Codecs v1.0.5 + Windows 7 x64 Components v1.0.9多国语言版|影音格式解码包
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UID: 79181
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0 最新Windows 7 Codecs v1.0.5 + Windows 7 x64 Components v1.0.9多国语言版|影音格式解码包

管理提醒: 本帖被 都市小星星 从 『WINDOWS 7 专区』 移动到本区(2009-04-16)

这是一套专用于Windows Vista上面的解码包(XP/2003系统也适用),由外国网友制作,如同其他的解码包一样,你无需安装其他的Codec或者Filter,这个解码包囊括几乎所有常用支持格式的解码。


Vista Codec Package
Codecs have been a problem for most users at one time or another.

This is because there has never been an 'out of the box' working solution that the average computer user could install and just have everything work properly from the beginning. There are several decent codec package solutions out there, but none of them did everything I wanted. I was always in need of a tweak, adjustment, or even a re-installation just to get the codecs I needed/wanted and most of the time, the file still didn't play properly. I've never claimed to be a media guru. My media experience prior to creating these packages was to double-click a file I downloaded and hope that it played. So with the help of the MSFN community, I decided to package up the bare minimum of codecs required by most computer users and share them with the rest of the world.

The installer will automatically remove most other popular codec releases from your computer before installing this concise yet comprehensive package. You won't need to make any adjustments or tweaks to enjoy your media content immediately. Windows Media Player and Vista's Media Center will instantly recognize all your files as playable.

It does not contain a media player and it does not associate file-types. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is supported in several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of VCP have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time.

This package supports 18 localizations. The default is English and the installer includes support for the following other languages; Chinese Simplified/Traditional, Japanese, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Swedish and Turkish. Languages can be added upon request.

Vista Codec x64 Components
This release is designed for Vista (x64 only)

Some Useful Information
2 versions of Windows Media Player exist in x64 Vista.
There is a 32bit version in %ProgramFiles(x86)%
and a 64bit version in %ProgramFiles%

Vista Ultimate x64 uses the 32bit player as the system default. The installed components of this release include icons to allow you to change the system's default player between the 32bit and 64bit Windows Media Player(s).

Observation noted
One other aspect of Vista x64 Windows Media Player(s) needs to be mentioned. If you associate a particular filetype to open with WMP while the system default is set to use the 64bit player, that filetype will always open the 64bit player when doubleclicked. This occurs even if you change the system default back to using the 32bit player.

Windows 7 Codecs
Compiles the best codecs from all the big name codec packs. From author of Vista Codec Package. The installer will automatically remove most other popular codec releases from your computer before installing this concise yet comprehensive package. You won't need to make any adjustments or tweaks to enjoy your media content immediately. Windows Media Player and Windows 7 Media Center will instantly recognize all your files as playable.

It does not contain a media player and it does not associate filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is supported in several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of Win7 codecs have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time.

Codecs have been a problem for most users at one time or another. This is because there has never been an 'out of the box' working solution that the average computer user could install and just have everything work properly from the beginning. There are several decent codec package solutions out there, but none of them did everything I wanted. I was always in need of a tweak, adjustment, or even a re-installation just to get the codecs I needed/wanted and most of the time, the file still didn't play properly. I've never claimed to be a media guru. My media experience prior to creating these packages was to doubleclick a file I downloaded and hope that it played. So with the help of the MSFN community, I decided to package up the bare minimum of codecs required by most computer users and share them with the rest of the world.


Vista Codec Package v5.1.5 Final  32bit
Vista Codec x64 Components v1.7.1 Final  64bit

Windows 7 Codecs v1.0.5 Final  32bit
Windows 7 Codecs x64 1.0.9 Final  64bit
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