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mc2800 2011-12-15 18:12

PC 上大受好评的休闲游戏“美味星球”的二代终于也被移植到 iOS 上啦~
别看画面不怎么样,玩起来可是趣味十足啊,当时 PC 版和同学双人合作一下午给打通了,意犹未尽。。。
在六个不同时代的大关、46 个小关中,吞噬几百种物体,包括微生物、小老鼠、恐龙、金字塔、火山、地球、太阳,甚至整个宇宙!(剧透了。。。)只要你够大,什么都可以瞬间吞噬!
iOS 版提供触控、摇杆、重力感应、轨迹球等四种操作方式,可以适应不同的需要。


This version includes 6 new bonus levels. Tap on "Bonus Levels" in the top right corner of the level select screen to play these. Most of these levels are more challenging than the levels in the regular game.

-Cat Consumption: Eat 60 cats
-Hovermaze: Push hoverboards aside until you can eat them.
-Lab Rats and Lab Cats (H): Same as level from the main game except that rats and cats can eat you now.
-Teatime: Follow the path of teapots.
-Tasty T-Rex (H): Same as level from the main game except that the Tyrannosaurus Rex can eat you now.
-Dinogoo: Eat the other grey goo before he eats you.

In addition, we're listening to your feedback and changing back to our original icon.


acshev1981 2011-12-15 18:14

luoyj 2011-12-15 18:24

临湖夜听风 2011-12-17 20:25

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