主题 : larger than life
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larger than life


BY backstreet boys

i may run and hide  也许我会狂奔 逃避
when you're screaming my name 当你大声喊出我的名字
all right 好吧
but let me tell you now 我现在告诉你
there are prices to fame 出名需要付出代价
all right 好吧
all of our time spent in flashes of light 我们所有的时间都花在聚光灯下

all you people can't you see 你们大家看不出来吗
can't you see 看不出来吗
how your love's affecting our reality 你们的爱是如何在影响改变我们的现实生活
every time we're down 每次我们情绪低落
you can make it right 你们都能使我们振作
and that makes you larger than life 它比生命更重要

looking at the crowd 看看拥挤的人群
and i see your body sway,我看到了你的身体在晃动
com on  来吧
wishin' i could
thank you in a different way 但愿我能够以一种不一样的方式感谢你
com on 来吧
cause all of your time spent
keeps us alive  因为你用所有的时间让我们充满活力
all you people can't you see 你们大家 看不到吗
can't you see 看不到吗
how your love's affecting our reality 你们的爱是如何在影响改变我们的现实生活
every time we're down 每次我们情绪低落
you can make it right 你们都能使我们振作
and that makes you larger than life 它比生命更重要

all of your time spent
keeps us alive 你用所有的时间让我们充满活力

quot;we've got it goin' on quot;
all you people can't you see 你们大家 看不到吗
can't you see 看不到吗
how your love's affecting
our reality 你们的爱是如何在影响改变我们的现实生活
every time we're down 每次我们情绪低落
you can make it right 你们都能使我们振作
and that makes
you larger than life 它比生命更重要
yeah ~~
every time we're down
you can make it right
and that's what makes you
larger than life
all you people can't you see
can't you see
how your love's affecting
our reality
every time we're down
you can make it right
and that makes you larger
that makes you larger
that makes you larger than life
[ 此帖被yu_fei_527在2010-11-11 09:11重新编辑 ]
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